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Explore, Capture, and Protect the Natural World.

At Capture Photo Excursions, we are more than just photographers. We have a deep passion for capturing the beauty of the natural world while preserving and protecting our public lands. Our team of expert instructors is dedicated to helping our clients enhance their photography skills while exploring some of the most remote and pristine areas on earth. 


Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, our photography workshops are purpose built to provide a unique and immersive experience. Trust us to provide you with an unforgettable photography experience!

Meet the Team

Our team at Capture Photo Excursions is made up of experienced photography instructors, who delight in sharing their wealth of knowledge and guiding people to places they love.

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Nicole Pino

Born and raised in Utah, Nicole adopted an outdoor lifestyle and love of photography at a very early age. Exploring the many natural wonders of her home state fueled her passion for photography, prompting her to take things to the next level. She soon found herself happily immersed in the industry, leading photo workshops in the Southwest and beyond.

Having an adventurous spirit, and incurable wanderlust, Nicole spends most of her free time traveling, exploring and capturing the beauty around her. She is also a licensed boat captain and never passes up to a chance to get out on the water.

Nicole loves sharing her passion for photography with others and is most at home in the field helping clients improve their skills as well as gain confidence in themselves and their photographic vision. In addition to being an accomplished guide and instructor, Nicole is familiar with the technical aspects of photography as well as various camera systems and gear.

View Nicole's photography at

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John Haymore

John Haymore is a landscape and adventure photographer from Utah, United States. He believes in blending conservation with landscape photography to educate and raise preservation awareness through principles of responsible stewardship for public lands. John seeks out special places and puts soul into his work by immersing in the sensory experience of it – through visceral observations of vast expanses carefully composed to provoke inward feelings, capturing impressionistic textures, and placing subjects subtly throughout his compositions to lead the viewer through the journey. 
A Creative Director by profession, attending design school further developed his visual senses. Fusing fundamental principles of design, color theory, composition, and perspective with photography has played a key role in his photography. As a landscape photographer, John deeply believes that capturing landscapes isn’t only about photographing what we love, it’s about caring for, understanding, protecting our wild places, and sharing values for conservation so those that come after us can enjoy the pristine beauty we cherish. John's images have won numerous awards, including top finishes in the prestigious Epson Pano Awards!

View John's photography at

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